Heart Health
Heart disease is the number one cause of death in the US and Utah. When your heart isn't healthy, this can impact other organ functions, result in serious health conditions, decreased quality of life, and even death. We want to help you prevent heart disease! Hypertension (also known as high blood pressure) and high cholesterol are major risk factors for heart disease. By preventing and managing these conditions you can reduce your risk. Below is more information on how to get on the path towards a healthy heart!
Risk factors for hypertension: Family history, age, gender, race, chronic kidney disease, lack of physical activity, unhealthy diet, overweight/obesity, alcohol, sleep apnea, high cholesterol, diabetes, smoking/tobacco use, stress and some preexisting medical conditions.
Hypertension can lead to:
In Utah, 27% of Utah adults have hypertension and 25% have high cholesterol.
Blood Pressure ranges as recommended by the American Heart association.

Preventing and Managing Hypertension and Cholesterol:
We encourage you to get your blood pressure checked by a medical provider and see if you are at risk for having high cholesterol. Develop a plan with them on how you can work towards a healthier heart! Some tips to get started include:
Are you a provider looking to improve your patients’ hypertension/cholesterol prevention and management efforts?
Visit The Utah Million Hearts page for tips, resources and other support or by going to https://heal.utah.gov/million-hearts/ .

Your Pharmacist is Your Friend!
If you have high blood pressure or cholesterol, your doctor may prescribe you medication to help manage and lower them. As you start taking these medication(s), you may have questions or start to have concerns such as:
- Remembering to take your medication
- Cost
- Unsure how to take it
- The medication makes you feel sick
Pharmacists go to many years of school and know the science behind medications, including ones for hypertension and high cholesterol. They can help you have a positive experience! Talk with your pharmacist about the medications you are taking, check in with them to make sure they are working, and even if there are less expensive options.
Visit HERE, to learn more about how you can manage your medications.