TOP Star Child Care
If you have infants or children in child care, ask if the facility is TOP Star (Teaching Obesity Prevention in Early Childcare and Education Settings) endorsed!
TOP Star facilities create opportunities for your children to learn about healthy eating habits, to actively play together both indoors and out, and to engage in less screen time. TOP Star providers also support you and your baby’s breastfeeding wishes.
All of these practices help establish healthy lifestyles for children while they are young, thus forming long lasting habits -lowering their risk of having chronic health problems throughout their lifetime.
Find a TOP Star Facility:
Please click on the Find a Facility below for more information.
Be a TOP Star Provider:
If you're a child care provider and interested in learning about TOP Star, please learn how to become a TOP Star by clicking on the Be a TOP Star Provider below.
Find Breastfeeding Support and Resources:
Learn more about what you can do to support breastfeeding in your child care. Please click on the Breastfeeding Resources below.