
School Nursing

Medications in Schools

Medications administered in schools must have a medication authorization form signed by a licensed healthcare provider. For certain diagnoses—such as asthma, adrenal insufficiency, allergy/anaphylaxis, diabetes, and seizures—the medication authorization forms are included within the paperwork specific to the diagnosis.

For all other medications, a medication authorization form, or a similar LEA-approved form, must be completed and signed before administration. This authorization must be updated annually or whenever there is a change in the healthcare provider’s order for the student’s medication.

The form should include:

  • Parent Authorization: A signature from the parent requesting the administration of the medication during regular school hours.
  • Healthcare Provider Authorization: A signature from the licensed healthcare provider prescribing the medication, including detailed documentation of the method, dosage, and schedule for administration.
  • Medical Necessity Statement: A statement from the licensed healthcare provider indicating that administering the medication during school hours is medically necessary while the student is under the school’s supervision.

Standing Orders for Stock Epinephrine and Albuterol

Standing orders for stock epinephrine and albuterol are currently in the final stages of approval. In the meantime, if your school does not have a medical provider to fulfill these orders, please contact Sami Bushnell at [email protected] for assistance.